martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

definicion pasado continuorcicios de preguntas afirmacion y negacion

people eat a lot of pasta.Do Italian people eat a lot of pasta?
Italian people do not eat a lot of pasta.

  • The train from Madrid arrives at 2:45.Does the train from Madrid arrive at 2:45?
    The train from Madrid does not arrive at 2:45.

  • Tom likes cooking very much.Does Tom like cooking very much?
    Tom does not like cooking very much.

  • Sarah plays cards on Mondays.Does Sarah play cards on Mondays?
    Sarah does not play cards on Mondays.

  • The Thames flows through London.Does the Thames flow through London?
    The Thames does not flow through London.

  • Some Americans drink six cups of coffee a day.Do some Americans drink six cups of coffee a day?
    Some Americans do not drink six cups of coffee a day.

  • The spaghetti tastes delicious.Does the spaghetti taste delicious?
    The spaghetti does not taste delicious.

  • The evening performance starts at 8:30.Does the evening performance start at 8:30?
    The evening performance does not start at 8:30.

  • Helen works as a shop assistant.Does Helen work as a shop assistant?
    Helen does not work as a shop assistant.

  • Susan takes a shower everyday.Does Susan take a shower everyday?
    Susan does not take a shower everyday.

  • I read the newspaper before having dinner.Do I read the newspaper before having dinner?
    I do not read the newspaper before having dinner.

    • The Parkers spend the summer in the Caribbean islands.Do the Parkers spend the summer in the Caribbean islands?
      The Parkers do not spend the summer in the Caribbean islands?
    • A lot of people suffer from stress.Do a lot of people suffer from stress?
      A lot of people do not suffer from stress.
    • Peter smokes a cigar after having lunch.Does Peter smoke a cigar after having lunch?
      Peter does not smoke a cigar after having lunch.
    • The dress looks terrible.Does the dress look terrible?
      The dress does not look terrible.
    • Mr. Thompson resides at 1015 Greenway Avenue.Does Mr. Thompson reside at 1015 Greenway Avenue?
      Mr. Thompson does not reside at 1015 Greenway Avenue.
    • It snows a lot in Sweden.Does it snow a lot in Sweden?
      It does not snow a lot in Sweden.
    • Tom visits his father every Fridays.Does Tom visit his father every Fridays?
      Tom does not visit his father every Fridays.
    • Stella returns to the office at 12:30.Does Stella return to the office at 12:30?
      Stella does not return to the office at 12:30.
    • William washes his car every morning.Does William wash his car every morning?
      William does not wash his car every morning.
    • Mary hates listening to pop music.Does Mary hate listening to pop music?
      Mary does not hate listening to pop music.
    • Claire gets up at 6:30.Does Claire get up at 6:30?
      Claire does not get up at 6:30.
    • Water freezes at 0º C.Does water freeze at 0º C?
      Water does not freeze at 0º C.
    • At 12:00 my mother takes an hour for lunch.Does my mother take an hour for lunch at 12:00?
      My mother does not take an hour for lunch at 12:00.

    pasado simple , definicion

    - Usamos el pasado para hablar de situaciones que ocurrieron hace un tiempo.
    Normalmente usamos adverbios de tiempo para apoyar la frase como:
    Ayer/Yesterday,la semana pasada/Last week. etc.
    El interrogativo se hace con el auxiliar did y el infinitivo del verbo conjugado
    La forma afirmativa con el pasado del verbo conjugado.
    En el caso de los verbos regulares se forma añadiendo "ed" al verbo
    Si el verbo acaba en consonante + y la y se transforma en i al formar el pasado
    Cry+ed= cried
    Si el verbo acaba en e se le añade sólo d.
    decide+ed= decided
    Usa la segunda columna de la listas de verbos.
    La forma negativa con didn't y el infinitivo del verbo conjugado.