miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

oraciones con futuro will

I will study tomorrow.
We will win next time.
She will be my girlfriend.
My best friend will come home next week.
The things you do will get you in trouble.
After the game we will go for some snacks.
If you don't study today, you will fail tomorrow.
Next month he will go to Europe.
Some of them will be sick next day.
We will rock you.

Voy a estudiar mañana.
Vamos a ganar la próxima vez.
Ella va a ser mi novia.
Mi mejor amigo se vuelva a casa la próxima semana.
Las cosas que haces se te meten en problemas.
Después del partido vamos a ir a por unos bocadillos.
Si no el estudio de hoy, va a fracasar mañana.
El mes que viene va a ir a Europa.
Algunos de ellos se enferma al día siguiente.

vocabulario con adjetivos

argumentative, quarrelsomediscutidor
big-headedcreído, engreído
bitchyde mala leche, venenoso;
carelessdescuidado, poco cuidadoso
cautiousprudente, cauteloso, cauto;
conceited, full of oneselfpresumido
crazy, nutsloco, chiflado
cheerfulalegre, jovial;
dull, boringsoso, aburrido
friendlyamigable, simpático, agradable
laid-backtranquilo, relajado
lazyperezoso, vago
moodyde humor cambiante
naiveingenuo, inocentón
naughty (children)malo, travieso (niños)
de actitud abierta, sin prejuicios
de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante;
politecortés, educado
reliable: he’s a very reliable personfiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar
self-confident: to be self-confidentseguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo
sensiblesensato, prudente;
shy - introvertedtímido, vergonzoso - introvertido
strictestricto, severo, riguroso
stubbornterco, testarudo, tozudo
sympathetic (understanding)comprensivo
talkativeconversador, hablador
trustworthydigno de confianza
weirdraro, extraño

10 oraciones en ingles con adjetivos

That Porsche was the most expensive car in the dealer.
I'm the youngest man in the family.
I think that driving a motorcicle is the most dangerous way to travel.
We went to a fancy restaurant, where I ate the best dessert they had.
I believe that drowning is the worst way of die.
My sister is the most intelligent student in her class.
At the museum, they had the oldest book i've ever seen.
Although me and my brother are twins, he's always been the tallest.
I believe hotmail is the best email provider.
My mom is the greatest cook i know.

El auto porche es el ams caro.
Soy el hombre más joven en la familia.
Creo que conducir un moto es la forma más peligrosa de viajar.
Fuimos a un restaurante de lujo, donde comí el mejor postre que tenían.
Yo creo que el ahogamiento es la peor forma de morir.
Mi hermana es el estudiante más inteligente de su clase.
En el museo, que tenían el libro más antiguo que he visto nunca.
Aunque yo y mi hermano son gemelos, que siempre ha sido el más alto.
Creo que hotmail es el mejor proveedor de correo electrónico.
Mi mamá es la mejor cocinera que conozco.

Evening routines

fisrst things first
primero lo primero

Most of the people in our group change their clothes as soon as they get home. One person has some juice or soda first and them changes. We all do different things next. Most of us eat at snack but one persons never eats before dinner

La mayoría de la gente en nuestro grupo de cambiarse de ropa tan pronto comollegue a casa. Una persona tiene un poco de jugo o soda primero y los cambia.Todos hacemos cosas diferentes que viene. La mayoría de nosotros comemos en la merienda, pero una persona no come antes de la cena

hora de la cena

everyone eats dinner at home. Half of uus watch tv while we are eating. Half of us talk to our family during dinner. No one does the dishes right after dinner

todos comen la cena en casa. La mitad de nosotros ver la televisión mientras comemosLa mitad de nosotros hablamos a nuestra familia durante la cena. Nadie laba los platos después de la cena

time for bed
hora de dormir

all of us watch tv before we got to bed Someof us go to bed early, and some of us ago to bed la te, after we watch the news. We al read for about half an hour when we go to bed

todos nosotros, vemoa la televisión antes de llegar a la cama Algunos de nosotros vamos a la cama tempranoy algunos de nosotros hace la cama después de ver las noticias. Algunos leemos antes de ir a la cama

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

PAIR WORK discuss these questions. How much information can you give?

how tall are you? are you taller than the other people in your family?
¿Cuánto mides? eres más alto que otras personas en su familia?
I measure 1.80 meters and I am the highest member of my family

what color are you eyes? what color is your hair?
qué color son los ojos? ¿De qué color es tu cabello?
the color of my hair is dark brown and dark brown eyes too

who's got very short hair in you class? does anyone have very long hair?
quien tiene el pelo mas corto, en tu clase? ¿alguien tiene el pelo mas largo?
Several of us have short hair, if one partner who has the longest hair

does anyone in the class look like someone famous
hay alguien en tu clase que luzca como un famoso

no. no one in the classroom that looks like a famous

are any of your friends over six feet tall? how tall is your best friends?
alguno de tus amigos es mas alto que seis pies de altura? que altura tienen tus mejores amigos?
I have no friends are all of high average height

do you know any twins? do they look alike?
conoces algun gemelo, en que se parecen?
if I know two cases are identical twins, only changes a little skin tone

martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

definicion pasado continuorcicios de preguntas afirmacion y negacion

people eat a lot of pasta.Do Italian people eat a lot of pasta?
Italian people do not eat a lot of pasta.

  • The train from Madrid arrives at 2:45.Does the train from Madrid arrive at 2:45?
    The train from Madrid does not arrive at 2:45.

  • Tom likes cooking very much.Does Tom like cooking very much?
    Tom does not like cooking very much.

  • Sarah plays cards on Mondays.Does Sarah play cards on Mondays?
    Sarah does not play cards on Mondays.

  • The Thames flows through London.Does the Thames flow through London?
    The Thames does not flow through London.

  • Some Americans drink six cups of coffee a day.Do some Americans drink six cups of coffee a day?
    Some Americans do not drink six cups of coffee a day.

  • The spaghetti tastes delicious.Does the spaghetti taste delicious?
    The spaghetti does not taste delicious.

  • The evening performance starts at 8:30.Does the evening performance start at 8:30?
    The evening performance does not start at 8:30.

  • Helen works as a shop assistant.Does Helen work as a shop assistant?
    Helen does not work as a shop assistant.

  • Susan takes a shower everyday.Does Susan take a shower everyday?
    Susan does not take a shower everyday.

  • I read the newspaper before having dinner.Do I read the newspaper before having dinner?
    I do not read the newspaper before having dinner.

    • The Parkers spend the summer in the Caribbean islands.Do the Parkers spend the summer in the Caribbean islands?
      The Parkers do not spend the summer in the Caribbean islands?
    • A lot of people suffer from stress.Do a lot of people suffer from stress?
      A lot of people do not suffer from stress.
    • Peter smokes a cigar after having lunch.Does Peter smoke a cigar after having lunch?
      Peter does not smoke a cigar after having lunch.
    • The dress looks terrible.Does the dress look terrible?
      The dress does not look terrible.
    • Mr. Thompson resides at 1015 Greenway Avenue.Does Mr. Thompson reside at 1015 Greenway Avenue?
      Mr. Thompson does not reside at 1015 Greenway Avenue.
    • It snows a lot in Sweden.Does it snow a lot in Sweden?
      It does not snow a lot in Sweden.
    • Tom visits his father every Fridays.Does Tom visit his father every Fridays?
      Tom does not visit his father every Fridays.
    • Stella returns to the office at 12:30.Does Stella return to the office at 12:30?
      Stella does not return to the office at 12:30.
    • William washes his car every morning.Does William wash his car every morning?
      William does not wash his car every morning.
    • Mary hates listening to pop music.Does Mary hate listening to pop music?
      Mary does not hate listening to pop music.
    • Claire gets up at 6:30.Does Claire get up at 6:30?
      Claire does not get up at 6:30.
    • Water freezes at 0º C.Does water freeze at 0º C?
      Water does not freeze at 0º C.
    • At 12:00 my mother takes an hour for lunch.Does my mother take an hour for lunch at 12:00?
      My mother does not take an hour for lunch at 12:00.

    pasado simple , definicion

    - Usamos el pasado para hablar de situaciones que ocurrieron hace un tiempo.
    Normalmente usamos adverbios de tiempo para apoyar la frase como:
    Ayer/Yesterday,la semana pasada/Last week. etc.
    El interrogativo se hace con el auxiliar did y el infinitivo del verbo conjugado
    La forma afirmativa con el pasado del verbo conjugado.
    En el caso de los verbos regulares se forma añadiendo "ed" al verbo
    Si el verbo acaba en consonante + y la y se transforma en i al formar el pasado
    Cry+ed= cried
    Si el verbo acaba en e se le añade sólo d.
    decide+ed= decided
    Usa la segunda columna de la listas de verbos.
    La forma negativa con didn't y el infinitivo del verbo conjugado.