jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

PAIR WORK discuss these questions. How much information can you give?

how tall are you? are you taller than the other people in your family?
¿Cuánto mides? eres más alto que otras personas en su familia?
I measure 1.80 meters and I am the highest member of my family

what color are you eyes? what color is your hair?
qué color son los ojos? ¿De qué color es tu cabello?
the color of my hair is dark brown and dark brown eyes too

who's got very short hair in you class? does anyone have very long hair?
quien tiene el pelo mas corto, en tu clase? ¿alguien tiene el pelo mas largo?
Several of us have short hair, if one partner who has the longest hair

does anyone in the class look like someone famous
hay alguien en tu clase que luzca como un famoso

no. no one in the classroom that looks like a famous

are any of your friends over six feet tall? how tall is your best friends?
alguno de tus amigos es mas alto que seis pies de altura? que altura tienen tus mejores amigos?
I have no friends are all of high average height

do you know any twins? do they look alike?
conoces algun gemelo, en que se parecen?
if I know two cases are identical twins, only changes a little skin tone

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